Be successful producing with Düring do Brasil.

Robotic welding cell

Düring produces complete robotic cells, from planning to construction to implementation.

Welding cells for robots are developed to automate the production process, replacing all manual welding work. They can be individual or a set of cells, separated by production screens.

The cell is completely safe. Protected by electronic locks and several security redundancies so the technician does not run any risks during setup or maintenance.

Ours Products

You have SUCCESS with DÜRING products from Brazil!
All of our manual welding tongs, robotic welding tongs and specialty welding equipment come from a single source – from design to construction to production. Due to the high level of vertical integration, we implement your ideas flexibly and individually, both in prototyping and in series production.

Welding cabinet

Test bench

Welding car

Robotic welding cell

Welding commands


Stationary welding machines

Manual welding machines

Robotic welding machines

Special projects



Request a no-obligation quote from our team and take the opportunity to tell us what your company’s biggest needs are.